WEB SITE INFO: It has been an ongoing struggle putting this web site together and keeping it up and running as I am a novice at such matters. Forgive my mistakes and feel free to offer suggestions or donations.
This historical document is provided for your enjoyment, appreciation and discovery of a well documented pictorial revue of graduating classes from Van Buren High School - Van Buren, Indiana
Hemmick Hardware a long time 3rd generational community business furnished all basketball team photos. Thanks to Bill and Helen!
A greatful thanks to any and all who gave financial support for the development of the vbgrads.com web site.
A personal thank you to those five individuals who originally collected photos, edited pages, published the 1st hard-back, sold ad spaces and brought the Alumni Blue Book to life. ( back in the late 60's.)
Drop us a line at our e-mail address: director@vbpl.lib.in.us and share your thoughts or even a snapshot or so.
Thank You.
P. S.
Several alumni of VBHS are registered on classmates.com - you may enjoy catching up with a few of them at that website.